Family Tree Names
Lehew, Kenneth William (AFT 1917-)
Lehew, Lorna Josephine (31 JUL 1920-)
Lehew, Ray (ABT 1892-)
Lehew, Ray (11 AUG 1892-ABT FEB 1995)
Lehew, Wayne (JAN 1929-)
Lehman, Rosanna Mary (15 FEB 1803-20 JAN 1867)
Lehmberg, Brad
Lehmberg, Wes (AFT 1970-)
Leib, Harriet (ABT 1829-ABT 1901)
Leiberman, Sarah (ABT 1875-)
Leidholm, Albin (1893-)
Leidholm, Leo (1927-)
Leidig, Andreas (ABT 1715-BEF 4 DEC 1762)
Leigh, Daniel A. (1847-)
Leigh, Emanuel (1769-)
Leigh, Hannah (ABT 1750-)
Leigh, Isabel (ABT 1502-)
Leigh, John (ABT 1498-)
Leigh, John H. (1820-)
Leigh, Joyce (ABT 1500-)
Leigh, Margaret (ABT 1505-)
Leigh, Mary A. (1849-)
Leigh, Ralph (ABT 1479-1 FEB 1510)
Leigh, Ralph (ABT 1510-)
Leigh, Sarah (ABT 1678-)
Leigh, William (BEF 1658-)
Leightly, Anna Maria (1801-)
Leimgruber, Frank (ABT 1910-)
Leimgruber, Imogene Martha (ABT 1935-)
Leiper, Alan
Leiper, Ann (16 JUN 1817-)
Leiper, Edna
Leiper, Elizabeth Coultas (ABT JUN 1815-)
Leiper, Eric
Leiper, Fiona
Leiper, George (23 AUG 1918-)
Leiper, George Gray (3 FEB 1786-17 NOV 1868)
Leiper, Graham
Leiper, Henrietta (ABT 1823-)
Leiper, John Chew (12 DEC 1823-)
Leiper, Lauren
Leiper, Marion
Leiper, Martha Gray (1830-)
Leiper, Mary Jane (11 NOV 1921-)
Leiper, Mary Thomas (1828-)
Leiper, Michael
Leiper, Thomas Gray (1821-)
Leiper, William
Leiper, William (6 NOV 1922-)
Leiper, William (ABT 1900-)
Leithoff, Sr., Norman (ABT 1892-)
Leithoff, Jr., Norman (ABT 1921-)
Leithoff, Skip
Leland, Amasa (20 NOV 1793-31 MAY 1842)
Leland, John (ABT 1590-)
Leland, Rhoda (17 MAR 1803-BEF 1888)
Lello, Louis (5 JUN 1897-19 JUL 1991)
Lemare, Ann (ABT 1670-)
Lemasters, Abraham (ABT 1730-)
Lemasters, Abraham (ABT 1713-ABT 1778)
Lemasters, Abraham (ABT 1639-6 DEC 1722)
Lemasters, Abraham (ABT 1666-)
Lemasters, Agnes (22 FEB 1787-BET 1870 AND 1880)
Lemasters, Albert (OCT 1891-)
Lemasters, Alice (ABT 1668-)
Lemasters, Alice (AUG 1883-)
Lemasters, Amanda M. (1915-)
Lemasters, Ann (24 APR 1681-)
Lemasters, Arthur Raymond (28 DEC 1885-16 DEC 1971)
Lemasters, Benjamin (15 JUN 1756-14 FEB 1837)
Lemasters, Benton Herman (20 DEC 1866-8 DEC 1947)
Lemasters, Bertha Alberta (26 JUN 1892-31 DEC 1961)
Lemasters, Bertha Fidelia (31 MAY 1874-16 MAR 1922)
Lemasters, Beulah Belle (21 MAR 1895-ABT MAY 1977)
Lemasters, Beulah Sarah (9 SEP 1866-16 JUL 1940)
Lemasters, Catherine (20 NOV 1754-27 AUG 1842)
Lemasters, Catherine (24 MAR 1799-26 JUL 1886)
Lemasters, Catherine (4 FEB 1877-29 DEC 1930)
Lemasters, Catherine Elizabeth (26 JUN 1840-ABT 1911)
Lemasters, Charity (ABT 1765-)
Lemasters, Charity Ann (12 NOV 1791-)
Lemasters, Charles Clinton (1 OCT 1871-11 MAR 1954)
Lemasters, Charles E. (JAN 1900-)
Lemasters, Charles Robert
Lemasters, Chesleigh Franklin (25 MAY 1890-7 AUG 1960)
Lemasters, Clarence H. (18 JUN 1889-23 NOV 1963)
Lemasters, Cora B. (4 AUG 1879-)
Lemasters, Darius E. (24 FEB 1874-3 JUN 1955)
Lemasters, Donald
Lemasters, Doris
Lemasters, Dorothy Dot (19 MAR 1900-ABT OCT 1984)
Lemasters, Eber (1859-)
Lemasters, Edith M. (MAY 1894-)
Lemasters, Edith Mabel (24 SEP 1879-27 JUL 1949)
Lemasters, Edna (SEP 1889-)
Lemasters, Elam (1833-)
Lemasters, Elbert Carrol (19 JAN 1894-22 DEC 1967)
Lemasters, Eli (1828-)
Lemasters, Elizabeth (30 JUN 1780-25 MAR 1832)
Lemasters, Elizabeth C. (30 JUL 1873-)
Lemasters, Elizabeth P. (1903-)
Lemasters, Elva (1856-)
Lemasters, Elvin Cooper (9 JUL 1912-)
Lemasters, Elvira (6 FEB 1804-10 JUL 1882)
Lemasters, Eudora A. (1907-)
Lemasters, Everett N. (JUN 1894-)
Lemasters, Felix (17 FEB 1879-9 JUN 1881)
Lemasters, Floyd (2 FEB 1894-12 FEB 1982)
Lemasters, Frances (1911-)
Lemasters, Francis Marion (1836-)
Lemasters, Freda Claire (27 APR 1904-25 APR 1979)
Lemasters, Fulton (1907-)
Lemasters, Gerald Walker (15 JUN 1896-ABT MAR 1987)
Lemasters, Gladys Armorel (28 OCT 1893-)
Lemasters, Gracie L. (OCT 1891-)
Lemasters, Guy P. (MAR 1897-)
Lemasters, Hannah (1815-14 SEP 1892)
Lemasters, Hannah (22 NOV 1832-21 NOV 1838)
Lemasters, Hezekiah M. (4 JUL 1802-)
Lemasters, Hubert (4 APR 1867-10 SEP 1945)
Lemasters, Isaac (18 DEC 1795-ABT 11 JAN 1841)
Lemasters, Isaac (ABT 1677-)
Lemasters, Isaac (14 SEP 1773-21 APR 1844)
Lemasters, Isaac (ABT 1728-4 FEB 1797)
Lemasters, Isaac (ABT 1695-ABT 1771)
Lemasters, Jacob (21 MAR 1770-21 SEP 1852)
Lemasters, Jacob (BEF 1734-AFT 1775)
Lemasters, Jacob (16 APR 1845-15 DEC 1922)
Lemasters, Jane (22 JUL 1789-)
Lemasters, Jane (ABT 1807-25 NOV 1865)
Lemasters, Jasper (1839-)
Lemasters, Jay (FEB 1897-)
Lemasters, Jessie Earl (25 SEP 1900-)
Lemasters, John (ABT 1610-)
Lemasters, John (ABT 1682-)
Lemasters, John (SEP 1893-)
Lemasters, John (ABT 1726-)
Lemasters, John (24 SEP 1804-25 MAR 1866)
Lemasters, John (ABT 1697-)
Lemasters, John Leland (30 APR 1902-13 JAN 1980)
Lemasters, John Milton (8 JUL 1841-30 AUG 1901)
Lemasters, John Stephen (22 APR 1855-)
Lemasters, John W. (23 FEB 1881-)
Lemasters, Jonas T. (9 SEP 1886-)
Lemasters, Joseph (15 NOV 1758-10 AUG 1826)
Lemasters, Joseph (ABT 1693-AFT 1728)
Lemasters, Joseph Oscar (13 JUN 1875-10 DEC 1922)
Lemasters, Kenneth P. (1912-)
Lemasters, Lella Lewis (28 MAR 1897-)
Lemasters, Lemon (23 SEP 1870-28 SEP 1956)
Lemasters, Lemuel Quin (ABT 1812-ABT JUN 1843)
Lemasters, Lillian Fern
Lemasters, Lina M. (NOV 1894-)
Lemasters, Louise (15 MAY 1874-ABT 1970)
Lemasters, Lucinda Julesa (21 JAN 1878-)
Lemasters, Luman Cooper (27 MAY 1867-10 FEB 1933)
Lemasters, Luman Walker (11 MAR 1808-15 APR 1888)
Lemasters, Jr., Luman Walker (19 OCT 1842-10 FEB 1933)
Lemasters, Lurena (4 AUG 1896-ABT DEC 1986)
Lemasters, Lydia E. (30 AUG 1845-)
Lemasters, Madge (1906-)
Lemasters, Madison M. (1858-)
Lemasters, Margaret A. (OCT 1893-)
Lemasters, Marion Hubert (23 JAN 1907-ABT 1963)
Lemasters, Martha (ABT 1800-28 FEB 1844)
Lemasters, Martha Julesa (27 JUN 1852-ABT 1936)
Lemasters, Mary (26 FEB 1849-28 DEC 1929)
Lemasters, Mary (ABT 1663-)
Lemasters, Mary (ABT 1769-)
Lemasters, Mary (ABT 1694-ABT 1736)
Lemasters, Mary (ABT 1728-)
Lemasters, Mary B. (DEC 1915-)
Lemasters, Mary Elsie (26 APR 1872-5 JUN 1942)
Lemasters, Mary J. (APR 1896-)
Lemasters, Mary Olive (13 OCT 1909-)
Lemasters, Mary Polly (21 SEP 1782-27 AUG 1851)
Lemasters, Melinda C. (14 DEC 1876-)
Lemasters, Merrily
Lemasters, Nancy (JAN 1885-)
Lemasters, Nancy Anna (30 AUG 1784-28 DEC 1870)
Lemasters, Nancy Anne (29 JUL 1834-21 NOV 1838)
Lemasters, Nancy Margaret (25 MAR 1869-)
Lemasters, Narcissa V. (1854-)
Lemasters, Ord Otterbein (1 JAN 1876-19 SEP 1937)
Lemasters, Ord Wehrly (30 SEP 1906-30 OCT 1971)
Lemasters, Jr., Ord Weldon
Lemasters, Osborn (28 JAN 1868-11 APR 1945)
Lemasters, Otis Joseph (18 JUL 1898-ABT JAN 1982)
Lemasters, Phebe Ann (26 APR 1818-5 MAY 1849)
Lemasters, Phebe Jane (16 APR 1847-)
Lemasters, Phillip (10 JUN 1836-)
Lemasters, Phillip D. (28 JAN 1869-1 MAY 1869)
Lemasters, Phoebe (1857-)
Lemasters, Rachel (16 JUL 1838-13 MAR 1913)
Lemasters, Ralph E. (SEP 1898-)
Lemasters, Rebecca Jane (4 JUL 1796-14 APR 1890)
Lemasters, Reuben (29 NOV 1871-5 JAN 1964)
Lemasters, Richard (ABT 1778-21 MAR 1857)
Lemasters, Richard (ABT 1670-AFT 1745)
Lemasters, Richard (ABT 1691-)
Lemasters, Richard Dale
Lemasters, Robert (21 AUG 1883-22 JUL 1953)
Lemasters, Robert (SEP 1925-)
Lemasters, Ruth E. (MAR 1909-)
Lemasters, Sarah (ABT 1660-)
Lemasters, Septimus (13 JUN 1875-13 JUN 1875)
Lemasters, Septimus (5 SEP 1801-30 DEC 1878)
Lemasters, Sherman (18 FEB 1875-)
Lemasters, Jr., Stanley Duey (1924-)
Lemasters, Stanley Duey (23 FEB 1898-ABT APR 1982)
Lemasters, Thomas (12 APR 1750-ABT 1836)
Lemasters, Thomas (ABT 1720-)
Lemasters, Travis John
Lemasters, Una Maude (26 APR 1884-)
Lemasters, Unknown (ABT 1922-)
Lemasters, Unknown (ABT 1887-ABT 1887)
Lemasters, Unknown (ABT 1924-)
Lemasters, Unknown (ABT 1923-)
Lemasters, Unknown (ABT 1926-)
Lemasters, Vernon Walker (4 DEC 1888-17 MAR 1955)
Lemasters, Wilkes (9 MAY 1869-14 DEC 1948)
Lemasters, Wilkes Garnet (1 MAR 1913-ABT NOV 1986)
Lemasters, William (29 APR 1880-21 DEC 1883)
Lemasters, William C. (ABT 1710-ABT 1785)
Lemasters, William Clifford (1 SEP 1871-26 JUL 1922)
Lemasters, William E. (MAR 1898-)
Lemasters, William Jobes (1832-)
Lemasters, Zula (1903-)
Lemley, Catharine (19 SEP 1848-1 NOV 1919)
Lemley, George (4 DEC 1807-20 DEC 1883)
Lemly, Sarah Ellen (1847-BEF 1900)
Lemmon, Benjamin (ABT 1798-)
Lemmon, Jacob (ABT 1736-23 NOV 1798)
Lemmon, Margaret (19 AUG 1778-)
Lemons, Martha Jane (1827-)
Lemons, Mary (1812-)
Leneve, Thomas B. (1849-)
Leneve, Virginia (28 MAR 1842-7 JAN 1930)
Lenhart, Kathryn (15 MAR 1815-11 APR 1888)
Lenman, Mary (ABT 1625-)
Lenman, Philip (ABT 1600-)
Lennon, Eva (1896-)
Lenson, Bessie (1901-)
Lenson, David (1903-)
Lenson, Lillian (1896-ABT 1978)
Leonard, Amos (9 OCT 1829-12 MAR 1896)
Leonard, Archibald Allen (9 MAY 1841-)
Leonard, Brian Lee
Leonard, Catherine (AFT 1936-)
Leonard, Charles
Leonard, Collis A. (15 DEC 1907-ABT FEB 1985)
Leonard, Cora Alice (ABT 1902-25 JAN 1988)
Leonard, Corey Lee
Leonard, Dallas (24 SEP 1901-)
Leonard, Daniel Lee
Leonard, Deborah Jo
Leonard, Dorothy (ABT 1527-ABT 1611)
Leonard, Edna (1905-)
Leonard, Fay (4 JAN 1917-)
Leonard, Frank (24 AUG 1914-)
Leonard, Jeffrey Allen
Leonard, John A. B. (1811-)
Leonard, John H. (29 JAN 1872-13 APR 1918)
Leonard, John Michael
Leonard, Marha (2 MAR 1759-18 FEB 1829)
Leonard, Matilda (29 MAY 1812-29 SEP 1864)
Leonard, Nancy (28 NOV 1792-20 AUG 1866)
Leonard, Patsy (ABT 1930-)
Leonard, Raiford L. (ABT 1836-11 APR 1888)
Leonard, Ray E. (4 JAN 1917-)
Leonard, Ruth (ABT 1888-)
Leonard, Son (25 DEC 1890-ABT 1890)
Leonard, Susan Elizabeth
Leonard, Unknown (ABT 1868-)
Leonard, Verna (ABT 1888-)
Leonard, Walter Ira (ABT 1897-)
Leonard, Walter William (2 NOV 1924-)
Leonard, William (20 FEB 1912-)
Lepley, Elizabeth (ABT 1805-)
Lertora, III, James
Lertora, Serena Lynn
Lesher, Evyline (1907-)
Lesher, Idith (1906-)
Lesher, Lola Ruby (1902-)
Lesher, William (1909-)
Lesher, William R. (MAY 1861-)
Leslie, Barber (BEF 1745-)
Leslie, Mary (ABT 1765-)
Lessard, Mae (ABT 1887-)
Lessert, Frances E. (ABT 1898-)
Lessor, Mae Catherine (24 JUL 1900-)
Lester, Abner (1828-)
Lester, Ann (10 JUL 1804-11 AUG 1864)
Lester, Christiana (ABT 1814-19 JUN 1857)
Lester, Elizabeth (1832-20 APR 1876)
Lester, Emery G. (AUG 1886-)
Lester, Gailland E. (JUL 1896-)
Lester, Jacob (1842-)
Lester, Jacob (ABT 1857-)
Lester, Jane (1837-)
Lester, John (1798-)
Lester, Mahala (1840-)
Lester, Margaret Cramichael
Lester, Mary A. (JUL 1844-)
Lester, Nancy (8 MAY 1859-)
Lester, Priscilla (1844-)
Lester, Jr., Robert McDonald (18 NOV 1919-)
Lester, Robert McDonald (7 NOV 1889-)
Lester, Rev., Samuel Robert (JUL 1852-)
Lester, Susannah (1836-)
Lester, Thomas (ABT 1802-)
Lester, William (1833-)
Letts, Oscar (ABT 1908-)
Leuty, Aaron Matthew (ABT 1976-)
Leuty, Archie (1917-)
Leuty, Brenda Joyce (AFT 1936-)
Leuty, Carrie Michelle (ABT 1976-)
Leuty, Deborah Nadine (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Delores Faye (AFT 1936-)
Leuty, Doris Kaye (6 OCT 1941-27 OCT 1941)
Leuty, Everett (29 AUG 1912-13 JUL 1963)
Leuty, Gary Martin (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Gary Randall (AFT 1936-)
Leuty, Hershel L. (1903-)
Leuty, James Archie (AFT 1936-)
Leuty, James Gregory (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Kelly Shea (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Kendra (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Lawrence Edward (AFT 1936-)
Leuty, Lawrence L. (1884-)
Leuty, Lori Lynn (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Martin Bryan (AFT 1936-)
Leuty, Michael Edward (AFT 1956-)
Leuty, Redus (1911-)
Leuty, Sadie Katherine (AFT 1976-)
Leuty, Shirley (1908-)
Leuty, Vera (1906-)
Leuty, William B. (1925-)
Leverette, Andrew Jackson (15 SEP 1850-)
Leverette, Bertha Mae (10 JAN 1895-)
Leverette, Callie D. (23 NOV 1885-)
Leverette, David (10 APR 1856-)
Leverette, Hillery Elizabeth (23 NOV 1863-)
Leverette, Hulon Pennington (19 FEB 1887-)
Leverette, James Henry (14 JAN 1855-)
Leverette, John A. (20 SEP 1889-)
Leverette, Leamon L. (28 AUG 1888-)
Leverette, Lemma S. (26 APR 1868-)
Leverette, Martha Jane (8 DEC 1851-ABT 1914)
Leverette, Mary M. (17 MAY 1858-)
Leverette, N. Oscar (21 JUN 1872-)
Leverette, Nathan Henry (7 MAY 1832-4 SEP 1919)
Leverette, Thomas Jefferson (27 MAR 1853-)
Leverette, Waymon Cleveland (13 OCT 1892-)
Leverette, William Lee (31 MAR 1866-)
Levering, Hannah (16 JAN 1754-9 APR 1854)
Levett, Margaret (ABT 1705-)
Levinson, Caroline (AFT 1950-)
Levinston, Mary J. (1843-)
Levinston, Matilda (1846-)
Lewellen, W. F. (ABT 1849-)
Lewellyn, Elizabeth (ABT 1701-)
Lewin, Warner Wilson (ABT 1869-)
Lewis, Abigail (8 NOV 1797-10 APR 1830)
Lewis, Abram Thomas (1859-)
Lewis, Ada T. (1856-)
Lewis, Agatha (15 APR 1774-9 JUN 1843)
Lewis, Alexander (ABT OCT 1763-)
Lewis, Alverne (1878-)
Lewis, Amy Marie
Lewis, Andrew (1828-)
Lewis, Andrew (1836-)
Lewis, Angeline (1858-)
Lewis, Ann (27 FEB 1792-)
Lewis, Ann (1837-)
Lewis, Ann (1843-)
Lewis, Anna Hornsby (2 JUL 1796-)
Lewis, Anne (ABT 1733-)
Lewis, Anne Thomas (17 DEC 1839-)
Lewis, Annie L. (ABT 1850-ABT 1896)
Lewis, Antoinette (AFT 1840-)
Lewis, Arthur (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, Arvilla (20 MAR 1803-)
Lewis, Augustine (22 JAN 1752-)
Lewis, Barbara Ellen
Lewis, Bartleson D. (1840-)
Lewis, Belinda (14 MAR 1811-)
Lewis, Bettie Battaile (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, Betty (23 FEB 1765-)
Lewis, Byrum (13 AUG 1804-ABT 1886)
Lewis, Cecelia C. (1871-)
Lewis, Charles (1855-)
Lewis, Charles (3 OCT 1760-)
Lewis, Charles Augustine (ABT 1758-)
Lewis, Charles Augustine (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, Charles W. (ABT 1780-)
Lewis, Chester (1854-)
Lewis, Christine Marie
Lewis, Columbus (ABT 1865-)
Lewis, Cora M. (1875-)
Lewis, Cynthia (1830-)
Lewis, Cynthia (18 OCT 1858-10 MAR 1886)
Lewis, Daniel (1827-)
Lewis, Daniel Pennington (20 JAN 1802-ABT 1873)
Lewis, Dixie Lee (26 AUG 1932-)
Lewis, Dolly (1872-)
Lewis, Douglas
Lewis, Douglas (1876-)
Lewis, Edward (ABT 1636-1 JUN 1698)
Lewis, Edward (JAN 1870-)
Lewis, Eileen
Lewis, Elias (1811-)
Lewis, Eliza (ABT 1843-ABT 1877)
Lewis, Eliza J. (1830-)
Lewis, Elizaabeth (AUG 1869-)
Lewis, Elizabeth (1864-)
Lewis, Elizabeth (10 OCT 1813-)
Lewis, Elizabeth (24 JAN 1765-28 AUG 1855)
Lewis, Elizabeth (9 APR 1614-)
Lewis, Elizabeth (8 MAR 1674-7 SEP 1727)
Lewis, Elizabeth Ann (27 DEC 1837-2 DEC 1902)
Lewis, Elizabeth Montgomery (ABT 1777-)
Lewis, Elizabeth R.
Lewis, Ellis (BEF 1804-)
Lewis, Elmer Lee
Lewis, Enoch (1804-)
Lewis, Eric
Lewis, Erik Allen
Lewis, Jr., Ernest Allen (15 JAN 1930-19 OCT 1973)
Lewis, Ernest Allen (26 DEC 1908-19 OCT 1976)
Lewis, Fannie (ABT 1856-)
Lewis, Fanny (ABT 1836-)
Lewis, Jr., Fielding (14 FEB 1751-)
Lewis, Colonel, Fielding (7 JUL 1725-ABT JAN 1782)
Lewis, Frances (ABT 1812-)
Lewis, Frances Anne (18 JUN 1844-14 FEB 1924)
Lewis, Frances Marrs (27 JUN 1885-23 OCT 1911)
Lewis, Frances Rixey (17 MAR 1868-)
Lewis, George (ABT 1857-)
Lewis, George Richard (25 MAY 1809-ABT 1853)
Lewis, George Washington (1832-)
Lewis, George Washington (14 MAR 1757-)
Lewis, Gideon (27 SEP 1795-)
Lewis, Grace E. (1877-)
Lewis, Hannah (ABT 1680-)
Lewis, Harriet Hallam (1845-)
Lewis, Harriet Hannah (ABT 1824-)
Lewis, Henry (1863-)
Lewis, Henry Marrs (8 JUL 1866-18 MAY 1919)
Lewis, Henry Marrs (25 OCT 1801-9 DEC 1853)
Lewis, Horatio Franklin (1851-)
Lewis, Howell (12 DEC 1771-)
Lewis, Infant (29 APR 1843-29 APR 1843)
Lewis, Isaac T. (29 JAN 1811-)
Lewis, James (1838-)
Lewis, James (1847-)
Lewis, James (6 SEP 1767-10 JUL 1860)
Lewis, Capt., James (ABT 1726-ABT 1764)
Lewis, James (12 NOV 1808-)
Lewis, James Richard (21 OCT 1866-7 DEC 1929)
Lewis, James Timberlake (1913-)
Lewis, Jane (AFT 1794-)
Lewis, Jason
Lewis, Jessie (9 APR 1790-28 DEC 1884)
Lewis, John (1845-)
Lewis, John (1778-ABT 1860)
Lewis, John (24 AUG 1758-)
Lewis, John (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, John (17 APR 1820-)
Lewis, John (1858-)
Lewis, John David (AFT 1922-)
Lewis, John Lawler (ABT 1927-)
Lewis, John Robinson (30 MAR 1909-19 NOV 1925)
Lewis, John Stewart (29 MAY 1800-29 SEP 1843)
Lewis, Johnson (1842-)
Lewis, Jonathon (ABT 1749-)
Lewis, Josephine (ABT 1849-15 JUN 1854)
Lewis, Joshua (26 NOV 1797-28 OCT 1835)
Lewis, Judith (ABT 1730-)
Lewis, Julia (1897-)
Lewis, Juliann (1846-)
Lewis, Katherine (ABT 1665-ABT 1722)
Lewis, Laura Frances (2 APR 1862-4 JUN 1880)
Lewis, Lawrence (4 APR 1767-)
Lewis, Lawrence Battaile (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, Lella Edith (9 APR 1877-1 APR 1943)
Lewis, Lorenzo B. (1830-)
Lewis, Lucinda (24 NOV 1848-)
Lewis, Lucinda Tutt (Lula) (3 NOV 1869-)
Lewis, Lucy Elizabeth (30 JUL 1849-)
Lewis, Mae A. (1874-)
Lewis, Malinda (1879-)
Lewis, Margaret Lynn (14 OCT 1755-)
Lewis, Margaret Robinson (23 SEP 1897-)
Lewis, Marian (22 JUL 1885-)
Lewis, Marsha Sue
Lewis, Martha (ABT 1825-)
Lewis, Martha (AFT 1792-)
Lewis, Mary (1851-)
Lewis, Mary (22 APR 1759-)
Lewis, Mary (ABT 1734-)
Lewis, Mary (1866-)
Lewis, Mary C. (FEB 1861-)
Lewis, Mary Emma (1853-ABT 1925)
Lewis, Mary Francis (ABT 1840-ABT 1840)
Lewis, Mary J. (1851-)
Lewis, Mary Jane (1866-)
Lewis, Mary Warner (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, Mattie Marrs (27 OCT 1871-)
Lewis, Menefer (1839-)
Lewis, Michael James
Lewis, Mikael
Lewis, Mina Hortense (1847-)
Lewis, Minter (1852-)
Lewis, Miranda (1833-)
Lewis, Nancy (1810-29 SEP 1875)
Lewis, Nancy (1796-16 MAY 1879)
Lewis, Pamela Louise
Lewis, Polly (16 NOV 1806-)
Lewis, Rachael (1830-)
Lewis, Rebecca (ABT 1782-)
Lewis, Richard (29 MAR 1878-18 FEB 1929)
Lewis, Richard (1912-)
Lewis, Richard (20 SEP 1836-19 APR 1905)
Lewis, Richard Allen
Lewis, Robert (25 JUN 1769-)
Lewis, Robert (1868-)
Lewis, Robert Charles (AFT 1923-)
Lewis, Rose Mae Frances (9 JUL 1915-)
Lewis, Rowena Columbia (11 JUL 1842-)
Lewis, Roy W. (1874-)
Lewis, Samuel (FEB 1833-)
Lewis, Samuel (14 MAY 1762-)
Lewis, Samuel (ABT 1770-)
Lewis, Sarah (1834-)
Lewis, Sarah Griffin (29 JAN 1786-19 JUN 1850)
Lewis, Stephen (1840-)
Lewis, Thomas (22 MAY 1883-6 APR 1884)
Lewis, Thomas (ABT 1761-)
Lewis, Thomas B. (AFT 1793-)
Lewis, Thomas C. (1878-)
Lewis, Thomas Chew (1849-ABT JAN 1882)
Lewis, Thomas Warner (1838-)
Lewis, Thompson (1832-)
Lewis, Turner (1860-)
Lewis, Unknown (ABT 1917-)
Lewis, Unknown (ABT 1780-)
Lewis, Virginia (1861-)
Lewis, Virginia N. (23 MAY 1857-)
Lewis, Ward (1875-)
Lewis, Warner (24 JUN 1755-)
Lewis, William (1832-)
Lewis, William (1849-)
Lewis, William (17 NOV 1724-ABT NOV 1811)
Lewis, William (1 JUN 1797-)
Lewis, William (27 SEP 1787-ABT 1856)
Lewis, William (1834-)
Lewis, William Aquilla (22 JUN 1875-)
Lewis, William Gordon (3 MAR 1906-)
Lewis, William Henry (18 AUG 1838-19 AUG 1908)
Lewis, William Henry (27 JUL 1909-)
Lewis, William J. (4 JUL 1766-)
Lewis, William Samuel (ABT 1893-)
Lewis, William T. (1840-)
Lewis, William W. (1835-)
Lewis, William Wells (AFT 1921-)
Lewis, Zacharias (ABT 1728-)
Lewkowicz, Joseph David
Lewkowicz, Kyra Noel
Leybourne, Elizabeth (ABT 1536-4 SEP 1567)
Libbey, Abigail (13 NOV 1763-4 FEB 1840)
Libbie, Emlee H. (ABT DEC 1835-)
Libby, Anthony (ABT 1649-28 FEB 1718)
Liechty, Kathleen Christine
Light, Eliza S. (26 OCT 1819-3 JAN 1901)
Lightner, Jane (BEF 1754-)
Ligon, John (ABT 1680-)
Ligon, Joseph (ABT 1681-)
Ligon, Lucretia (ABT 1688-)
Ligon, Mary (ABT 1679-)
Ligon, Phoebe (ABT 1683-)
Ligon, Susannah (ABT 1745-ABT 1792)
Ligon, Talent (JAN 1894-)
Ligon, Thomas (ABT 1675-)
Ligon, Jr., Walter Hiram (MAR 1899-)
Ligon, Walter Hiram (ABT APR 1860-)
Ligon, William (ABT 1677-)
Ligon, William (ABT 1650-ABT 1689)
Liipincott, Lavinia (4 APR 1814-ABT 1834)
Liles, Abner Clint (18 FEB 1843-2 JUN 1924)
Liles, Elizabeth (1815-BEF 1860)
Liles, Ella Florence (9 SEP 1878-)
Liles, John (ABT 1750-15 APR 1824)
Liles, Lucy (BET 1725 AND 1735-)
Liles, Margaret (22 MAR 1825-26 MAY 1876)
Liles, Rosa Etta (20 FEB 1886-14 JAN 1924)
Lilley, Abner (20 SEP 1805-)
Lilley, Alfred Emery (23 MAY 1815-)
Lilley, Cynthia (24 JAN 1804-)
Lilley, Diantha (17 SEP 1822-)
Lilley, Diantha (1837-)
Lilley, E. Patience (1843-)
Lilley, Emery (1841-)
Lilley, Emily A. (23 MAY 1815-)
Lilley, Emma (1849-)
Lilley, Levi S. (19 JAN 1808-)
Lilley, Loretta Mary (1886-7 DEC 1950)
Lilley, Mary (1846-)
Lilley, Mary Ann (27 AUG 1819-)
Lilley, Olive Marie (19 AUG 1824-)
Lilley, Orrin (14 DEC 1809-2 SEP 1855)
Lilley, Orrin A. (1843-)
Lilley, Phineas (29 NOV 1779-5 FEB 1867)
Lilley, Rosette L. (1859-)
Lilley, Sarah (23 OCT 1811-)
Lilley, William W. (1846-)
Lilliard, Catherine V. (1924-)
Lilliard, Ella Mildred (1 OCT 1912-29 APR 1994)
Lilliard, George Armstead (10 JAN 1850-10 FEB 1890)
Lilliard, George Walter (23 OCT 1907-8 FEB 1996)
Lilliard, Letitia (4 JUL 1883-22 SEP 1915)
Lilliard, Lorena Mae (23 JUN 1909-20 AUG 2001)
Lilliard, Mary Ella (1 AUG 1888-ABT 1969)
Lilliard, Sainty Jackson (24 SEP 1879-30 MAR 1933)
Lilliard, William Henry (12 MAY 1886-13 SEP 1936)
Lilly, Mamie Caroline (4 AUG 1899-)
Lima, Jack (19 JAN 1931-ABT APR 1996)
Lincoln, Abraham (ABT 1737-)
Lincoln, Abraham (29 OCT 1736-)
Lincoln, Agnes H. (ABT 1871-ABT 1940)
Lincoln, Anne (8 MAR 1726-)
Lincoln, Deborah (7 JAN 1718-)
Lincoln, Elizabeth Ann (11 MAY 1792-11 MAR 1858)
Lincoln, Hannah (ABT 1795-)
Lincoln, Hannah (ABT 1720-)
Lincoln, John (3 MAY 1716-)
Lincoln, Mary (27 SEP 1719-)
Lincoln, Mordecai (24 APR 1686-12 MAY 1736)
Lincoln, Sarah (10 APR 1727-21 APR 1810)
Lind, Unknown (ABT 1940-)
Lindeman, Anna Martha (ABT FEB 1854-1 APR 1940)
Linder, Elizabeth (ABT 1778-)
Linderman, Sarah Yost (JAN 1823-BET 1900 AND 1910)
Lindholm, Ellen Amanda (29 APR 1900-4 FEB 1991)
Lindig, Louis (7 OCT 1884-2 JUN 1959)
Lindley, Alice Dora (1874-)
Lindley, Dessie D. (MAR 1885-)
Lindley, Ernest B. (1872-)
Lindley, Irena (AUG 1870-)
Lindley, James A. (OCT 1845-)
Lindley, Lizzie (DEC 1882-)
Lindley, Martha E. (1873-)
Lindley, Mary Elizabeth (JUN 1843-)
Lindley, Melissa (JAN 1851-ABT 1926)
Lindley, Meridah T. (1876-)
Lindley, Minerva Elizabeth (1 JUN 1825-ABT 1910)
Lindley, Unknown (ABT 1825-)
Lindsay, Amedee Sherbourne (27 OCT 1840-14 DEC 1845)
Lindsay, Benjamin Newton (AFT 1807-ABT DEC 1839)
Lindsay, Clara (1875-)
Lindsay, Clara (1835-ABT 1874)
Lindsay, Eden (ABT 1835-)
Lindsay, Effie (OCT 1892-)
Lindsay, Elizabeth (1792-31 AUG 1885)
Lindsay, Emma C. (9 APR 1883-8 JUN 1960)
Lindsay, Farrar P. (NOV 1883-)
Lindsay, J. (ABT 1858-)
Lindsay, James (ABT 1700-ABT 1782)
Lindsay, James Brashear (AFT 1810-)
Lindsay, John (ABT 1610-)
Lindsay, Kent (FEB 1889-)
Lindsay, Margaret (ABT 1575-)
Lindsay, Margaret Newton (ABT 1813-25 JUL 1852)
Lindsay, Mary Teas (12 MAR 1813-27 FEB 1847)
Lindsay, Mary Virginia (13 NOV 1831-28 OCT 1921)
Lindsay, Medora M. (31 JUL 1843-31 DEC 1845)
Lindsay, Mosbey (AUG 1884-)
Lindsay, Nancy (1805-)
Lindsay, Robert (ABT 1576-)
Lindsay, Ruth Medora (28 NOV 1881-)
Lindsay, Virginia (1873-)
Lindsay, William (ABT 1769-ABT DEC 1817)
Lindsay, William B. (SEP 1876-)
Lindsay, William Brashear (13 MAY 1806-7 AUG 1866)
Lindsay, Jr., William Brashear (1847-)
Lindsey, III, Anthony (14 FEB 1767-)
Lindsey, Jr., Anthony (ABT 1736-ABT 1808)
Lindsey, Catharine (ABT 1757-)
Lindsey, Charles (ABT 1765-)
Lindsey, Elisha (ABT 1776-)
Lindsey, Elizabeth (ABT 1775-)
Lindsey, John (15 MAR 1758-)
Lindsey, Lucy (ABT 1775-)
Lindsey, Lydia (ABT 1774-)
Lindsey, Nicholas (ABT 1762-)
Lindsey, Rachel (ABT 1769-)
Lindsey, Sally (ABT 1760-)
Lindsey, Vachel (15 FEB 1773-ABT 1855)
Lineberger, Dave (ABT 1860-)
Lineberger, Florence Elizabeth (11 JAN 1911-27 MAR 1993)
Lineberger, Ida A. (APR 1868-)
Lingan, Mary (ABT 1725-2 FEB 1764)
Lingerhoel, Frank
Lingerhoel, Girl1
Lingerhoel, Girl2
Lingerhoel, Son1
Lingerhoel, Son2
Lingerhoel, Son3
Lingerhoel, Son4
Lingerhoel, Son5
Linivelle, Martha (SEP 1860-)
Link, Cecilia (1916-)
Link, Gracie (ABT 1897-ABT 1981)
Link, Henry William (ABT 1808-ABT 1884)
Link, Jacqueline (19 DEC 1917-26 APR 1996)
Link, John H. (1890-)
Link, Joseph H. (ABT 1840-)
Link, Kenneth
Link, Lisa
Link, Louisa (MAY 1864-)
Link, Peter (ABT 1760-)
Link, Sophia Pauline (1834-)
Linkins, Anne Riley (AFT 1930-)
Linkins, Bernard Riley (12 NOV 1909-23 AUG 1981)
Linkins, Bonnie Lee
Linkins, Clyde Lee (31 JAN 1916-)
Linkins, Donna
Linkins, F. Dahn (AFT 1930-)
Linkins, Kathie Marie
Linkins, Melinda Dahn
Linkins, Robert Alexander (2 JUL 1913-24 MAY 1978)
Linkins, Sally Anne
Linkins, Susan Riley
Linkins, Unknown (AFT 1930-)
Linkins, William George (MAR 1886-ABT 1954)
Linnertz, Albert "Leo" (10 JAN 1925-16 JUL 1990)
Linnertz, Barbara Ann
Linnertz, Darrell "Gene"
Linnertz, Dianne Marie
Linnertz, George Duane (22 MAY 1927-)
Linnertz, Nicholas (31 DEC 1901-10 MAR 1984)
Linnertz, Robert William (16 MAR 1930-4 AUG 1973)
Linnertz, Son (12 JAN 1929-12 JAN 1929)
Linnertz, Vernon John
Linthicum, Ann (11 MAY 1711-)
Linthicum, Deborah (11 SEP 1707-)
Linthicum, Dorcas (15 AUG 1700-ABT MAY 1741)
Linthicum, Edmund (30 MAR 1720-11 APR 1764)
Linthicum, Eleanor (23 FEB 1738-)
Linthicum, Elizabeth (30 AUG 1714-)
Linthicum, Elizabeth (ABT 1775-)
Linthicum, Frances (30 NOV 1749-)
Linthicum, Francis (29 SEP 1709-ABT 1765)
Linthicum, Francis (18 MAY 1734-)
Linthicum, Frederick (ABT 1774-)
Linthicum, Gideon (15 FEB 1709-11 MAY 1770)
Linthicum, Hezekiah (ABT 1667-BEF 29 DEC 1721)
Linthicum, Hezekiah (7 NOV 1723-)
Linthicum, Hezekiah (29 SEP 1709-)
Linthicum, Hezekiah (ABT 1764-)
Linthicum, James (29 SEP 1721-)
Linthicum, Jane (ABT 1672-)
Linthicum, Jane (22 APR 1755-)
Linthicum, John (ABT 1770-)
Linthicum, Leonard (5 AUG 1705-6 MAR 1731)
Linthicum, Mary (ABT 1772-BEF 1778)
Linthicum, Mary (29 AUG 1703-)
Linthicum, Mary (10 JUL 1746-)
Linthicum, Mary (ABT 1778-)
Linthicum, Mary (20 JAN 1700-)
Linthicum, Mary (ABT 1670-BEF 1717)
Linthicum, Milcah (21 NOV 1735-)
Linthicum, Richard (12 APR 1752-)
Linthicum, Ruth (5 FEB 1718-)
Linthicum, Sarah (ABT 1777-)
Linthicum, Thomas (ABT 1642-12 NOV 1701)
Linthicum, Thomas (ABT 1730-)
Linthicum, Thomas (31 OCT 1674-29 MAY 1741)
Linthicum, Thomas (28 SEP 1701-4 DEC 1766)
Linthicum, Thomas (29 AUG 1743-)
Linthicum, Thomas Francis (23 FEB 1716-10 FEB 1807)
Linthicum, Thomas Prather (20 JUL 1771-)
Linthicum, Unknown (ABT 1703-12 JAN 1704)
Linthicum, Zachariah (ABT 1735-14 JUN 1809)
Linton, Elizabeth (BET 1630 AND 1650-)
Linton, Moses (ABT 1613-)
Lintz, Will (ABT 1850-)
Linville, Alice (ABT 1722-)
Linville, Nancy Ann (ABT 1744-)
Lippert, Carla
Lippert, Kelly
Lippert, Lade
Lippert, Leroy (ABT 1930-)
Lippert, Mark
Lipscomb, Agnes (1843-)
Lipscomb, E. (1852-)
Lipscomb, E. Hawes (27 APR 1872-19 JUL 1918)
Lipscomb, Fannie S. (1859-)
Lipscomb, Harriet E. (1835-)
Lipscomb, James Stevenson (25 DEC 1848-)
Lipscomb, Mary Ann (1833-)
Lipscomb, Sarah Jane (6 FEB 1838-)
Lipscomb, Jr., Thomas Chalmers (10 MAR 1855-)
Lipscomb, Thomas Chalmers (22 JUL 1808-23 DEC 1891)
Lipscomb, Virginia C. (21 DEC 1840-9 MAY 1893)
Lipscomb, William E. (1846-)
Lipsey, Garland (1913-)
Lipsey, Gladys B. (NOV 1919-)
Lipsey, Infant (AFT 1910-)
Lipsey, Joseph M. (JUL 1916-)
Lipsey, Mary K. (1915-)
Lipsey, Murvil Ray (13 AUG 1893-JUL 1967)
Lipsey, Jr., Murvil Ray (APR 1929-)
Lischo, Rella Lee (13 SEP 1897-17 SEP 1978)
Listeman, August (ABT 1863-)
Listeman, Clare (ABT 1894-)
Lister, Wilhelmina (20 DEC 1874-15 JUL 1953)
Liston, Albert (15 SEP 1868-6 JUN 1875)
Liston, Cynthia (26 OCT 1874-)
Liston, Donald (APR 1925-)
Liston, Earl (31 AUG 1900-ABT APR 1987)
Liston, Edgar V. (APR 1892-)
Liston, Ernest Joseph (17 AUG 1896-23 FEB 1961)
Liston, Eugene (13 DEC 1922-)
Liston, Frank H. (11 FEB 1870-)
Liston, Franklin (23 MAR 1864-25 APR 1933)
Liston, Girty V. (NOV 1896-)
Liston, Henry (20 APR 1866-5 JUN 1943)
Liston, J. Dee (JUL 1891-)
Liston, James F. (JUL 1874-)
Liston, James Finley (8 JUN 1858-12 MAR 1909)
Liston, Lawrence E. (MAY 1891-)
Liston, Leonard (1906-)
Liston, Lydia A. (7 SEP 1856-)
Liston, Martha B. (MAR 1894-)
Liston, Mary Maude (SEP 1889-)
Liston, Myrtle (1901-)
Liston, Nora B. (OCT 1887-)
Liston, Oscar (JUL 1886-)
Liston, Rebecca Jane (20 NOV 1871-)
Liston, Rose Anna (2 MAR 1862-)
Liston, Samuel (JUN 1894-)
Liston, Samuel (27 NOV 1877-17 JAN 1965)
Liston, Sarah E. (8 APR 1860-5 JAN 1888)
Liston, William (30 JUN 1822-15 JUN 1889)
Litchfield, John (BEF 1782-)
Liter, Barbara (26 APR 1783-10 OCT 1834)
Liter, Emily Alice (23 DEC 1855-)
Liter, Henry (ABT 1779-31 DEC 1863)
Liter, Jennie (ABT 1863-21 JAN 1870)
Liter, John Clark (FEB 1828-ABT 1919)
Liter, Lena (1 MAR 1870-22 MAR 1870)
Liter, Lillie May (AUG 1872-)
Liter, Mary Elizabeth (1854-)
Liter, Susan Ellen (20 APR 1852-23 FEB 1935)
Liter, Susan Margaret (1866-)
Liter, William James (1860-)
Literal, Laura Ann (SEP 1842-ABT 1911)
Litsey, Susan (27 FEB 1811-9 MAR 1882)
Little, Addie Caroline (16 JUN 1881-17 APR 1932)
Little, Agnes Goodrich (14 OCT 1880-ABT 1953)
Little, Albert (1845-)
Little, Alfred L. (1813-)
Little, Alice (1866-)
Little, Alvier (1848-)
Little, Ann (ABT 1930-ABT OCT 1993)
Little, Anna (1840-)
Little, Anna B. (1876-)
Little, Anna M. (AUG 1896-)
Little, Anna P. (1866-)
Little, Arnold (1875-)
Little, Arnold P. (DEC 1844-17 APR 1912)
Little, Arthur R. (1878-)
Little, Ben H. (JAN 1889-)
Little, Benjamin (ABT 1763-)
Little, Benjamin (10 JUL 1808-19 MAY 1861)
Little, Benjamin G. (23 AUG 1852-)
Little, Benjamin M. (9 MAY 1851-8 NOV 1934)
Little, Blanche Elizabeth (JUN 1928-)
Little, C. P. (1847-)
Little, Callie (1865-)
Little, Caroline (ABT 1834-)
Little, Cecil (OCT 1884-)
Little, Chauncey (18 JUL 1814-19 MAY 1861)
Little, Cora (APR 1890-)
Little, Cornelius (1857-)
Little, Daniel (1846-)
Little, Delila (JAN 1860-)
Little, E. A. (1845-)
Little, Eli (1839-)
Little, Eliza Battle (20 NOV 1858-2 DEC 1940)
Little, Elizabeth (12 OCT 1833-30 MAR 1902)
Little, Elizabeth (ABT 1780-ABT 1860)
Little, Elizabeth (ABT 1822-)
Little, Elizabeth Tennessee (28 SEP 1842-23 JAN 1928)
Little, Emaline (1849-)
Little, Emily (19 SEP 1816-17 JUN 1889)
Little, Emma Catherine (7 MAR 1855-10 JUL 1855)
Little, Emory (1873-)
Little, Fannie Stevenson (20 DEC 1874-14 NOV 1878)
Little, Frances Caroline (24 JUN 1853-16 NOV 1914)
Little, Francis S. (1871-)
Little, Franklin (MAR 1877-)
Little, Franklin Hoss (13 JAN 1841-)
Little, George (ABT 1801-)
Little, George (ABT 1737-)
Little, George W. (OCT 1882-)
Little, Goodrich (26 OCT 1877-14 MAR 1878)
Little, Guy A. (MAR 1885-)
Little, Hannah (ABT 1760-)
Little, Harriet G. (1850-)
Little, Henry Clay (4 NOV 1856-30 AUG 1895)
Little, Henry Fleming (AUG 1884-)
Little, Hester Jane (10 MAR 1842-28 FEB 1925)
Little, Hezekiah C. (1847-)
Little, Hugh Lawson White (21 JUN 1840-13 AUG 1883)
Little, Ida (9 SEP 1875-18 FEB 1937)
Little, Ida Mae (1 APR 1878-)
Little, J. C. (1854-)
Little, Jacob (1842-)
Little, Jacob (ABT 1760-ABT 1815)
Little, Jacob B. (AUG 1870-)
Little, Jacob Boring (OCT 1890-)
Little, James (ABT 1797-)
Little, James D. (1871-)
Little, James Frank (MAY 1879-)
Little, James Franklin (18 JAN 1857-5 SEP 1923)
Little, James Joshua (24 JUL 1885-)
Little, James King (19 APR 1836-28 MAR 1915)
Little, Jane (1784-)
Little, Jessee (ABT 1878-)
Little, John (3 APR 1861-28 JUL 1900)
Little, John (ABT 1747-)
Little, John (23 MAR 1816-17 NOV 1875)
Little, John (JAN 1827-)
Little, John (ABT 1739-)
Little, John (1863-)
Little, John (16 JUL 1806-BEF 1880)
Little, John (AFT 1936-)
Little, John (4 NOV 1887-28 MAY 1888)
Little, John (ABT 1774-24 OCT 1812)
Little, John A. (JUN 1840-)
Little, John Angus (ABT 1802-)
Little, John H. (1865-)
Little, John L. (MAY 1881-)
Little, John Wesley (1843-)
Little, Jonas (ABT 1735-ABT 1818)
Little, Joseph B. (1872-)
Little, Joseph C. (1858-)
Little, Joshua Boring (FEB 1826-)
Little, Keziah (ABT 1754-)
Little, Lara Beth
Little, Laura Almeda (29 AUG 1882-)
Little, Leoma Ruth (DEC 1874-)
Little, Leonisa (1854-)
Little, Leonla Jane (SEP 1893-)
Little, Lonnes D. (MAR 1898-)
Little, Loretta (MAR 1873-)
Little, Loretta A. (1870-)
Little, Louisa (AFT 1802-)
Little, Lucy Mildred (10 APR 1871-6 SEP 1946)
Little, Lydia (ABT 1859-)
Little, Lydia E. (FEB 1887-)
Little, M. Vina (OCT 1879-)
Little, Marcellus (DEC 1858-ABT 1924)
Little, Margaret (1836-)
Little, Margaret H. (JAN 1861-)
Little, Marietta (1846-)
Little, Marion (8 APR 1863-)
Little, Martha (4 APR 1860-20 APR 1860)
Little, Martha Caroline (24 JUL 1847-)
Little, Martha Patsey (ABT 1812-)
Little, Mary (19 NOV 1835-21 APR 1891)
Little, Mary (ABT 1760-)
Little, Mary Alice (ABT 1850-)
Little, Mary Alis (1869-)
Little, Mary Caroline (28 FEB 1850-)
Little, Mary Jane (14 NOV 1844-17 JUN 1935)
Little, Mary Jane (ABT 1865-)
Little, Melanie (AFT 1956-)
Little, Minerva (1855-)
Little, Montgomery (18 JUL 1825-8 MAR 1863)
Little, Moses (1831-)
Little, Mossie O. (1868-)
Little, Nancy Evaline (21 JUL 1846-7 JUN 1848)
Little, Nathaniel T. (1864-)
Little, Nora (1868-)
Little, Olivia Ann (ABT 1856-)
Little, Olivia C. (1863-)
Little, Ora Dean (8 SEP 1891-28 DEC 1948)
Little, Phoebe (ABT 1765-)
Little, Rebecca (ABT 1816-)
Little, Rebecca M. (1840-)
Little, Robert E. (1870-)
Little, Rork S. (1872-)
Little, Rossel (1858-)
Little, Ruth (ABT 1784-)
Little, Ruthy E. (1862-)
Little, Ruthy F. (1878-)
Little, Sallie (1 NOV 1869-25 MAR 1870)
Little, Sallie C. (1858-ABT 1945)
Little, Samuel (DEC 1859-)
Little, Samuel (4 MAY 1810-19 NOV 1888)
Little, Samuel (ABT 1780-8 MAY 1831)
Little, Samuel Haggard (5 NOV 1858-)
Little, Sarah A. (1870-)
Little, Sarah Amanda (19 MAR 1883-14 FEB 1957)
Little, Sarah Ann (1834-AFT AUG 1891)
Little, Sarah Ann (16 JAN 1850-9 APR 1883)
Little, Sarah Jane (1 FEB 1892-)
Little, Sylvester (1843-)
Little, Tabitha Ann (ABT 1851-ABT 1888)
Little, Taylor (1877-)
Little, Tennie C. (25 OCT 1873-24 DEC 1918)
Little, Thomas (ABT 1760-)
Little, Thomas (ABT 1715-)
Little, Thomas (1866-)
Little, Thomas C. (4 NOV 1887-19 FEB 1950)
Little, Thomas Cheatham (17 MAR 1848-21 JAN 1933)
Little, Thomas G. (1853-)
Little, Thomas Lipscomb (ABT 1878-)
Little, Thomas M. (1874-)
Little, II, Thomas Sneed
Little, Thomas Sneed (13 NOV 1925-ABT 1990)
Little, Virginia (1841-)
Little, Virginia A. (1874-)
Little, W. G. (1849-)
Little, William (29 JAN 1806-1 SEP 1875)
Little, William (JUN 1867-)
Little, William Clary (14 JAN 1839-27 OCT 1880)
Little, William H. (OCT 1898-)
Little, William Lawson (26 DEC 1876-)
Little, William Robert (23 AUG 1860-16 SEP 1923)
Little, William S. (1821-)
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