Irene was born in Boston, Mass. Grew up there until the 1920s. She moved to Los Angeles, California. She had a brother and a sister (George and Lorrain). She went to Manual Arts High School and to Los Angeles City College, got an (AA) associate of arts degree. She later finished her schooling and got a BS degree from East Los Angeles College. She worked as a LA County Probation Office at Juvenile Halls. She retired in the early 1970s and lived in South Gate since 1942. She had 2 children (Ronald and R. Barry), a number of dogs, lots of birds (canaries, parakeets, finches, pigeons, doves, and chickens), rabbits, and alligators. In her last years, she has had a disease that has kept her bed ridden...Progressive Supra Neuclear Palsy. She lost use of her left arm, then her ability to walk, next her use of the right arm. She has lost her ability to talk with any degree of clarity and must keep her eyes locked shut due to lack of muscular control there also. She has arthritis that has caused her to be bent from the buttox area to the shoulders and her neck is unable to be lowered to a flat position. She died from complications on 11 August 1990 in Whittier at Berryman Health East convalescent hospital. Her death certificate stipulates that death came from Terminal Bronchopneumonia.