The John BOWDITCH Tree

The tree below shows the John BOWDITCH family from England to Shelter Island, New York. The information is based upon data found in "Five Genealogies of Bowdish & Bowditch Families in America" by Cyrus and Maryella Bowdish in 1985, 1987 and most recently appended by Karen Bowdish.  Visit her web site for a complete list of The Bowdish/Bowditch Family Surnames.   See her web site for the current John Bowditch SURNAMES list has about 1000 names.
Other family trees
There is a complete list of all names in these trees at the SURNAME list.
****Page showing Ron Ulrich connections with Brasseur/Chew/Duvall
The following have a Tree Structure for the
Specific Bowdish/Bowditch Families

***********THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Updates will be included soon***********
Please send any updates to this information to Ron Ulrich ()

Visitors to Date
8 May 2007

DISCLAIMER: The author makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any information provided in this document and is not responsible for any consequences of its use. Most of the material is based upon factual information, but some of the material related to individuals may be the author's opinions.