ULRICH Family Tree

The data shown here is the best currently know for the ULRICH family from Darmstadt, Germany who settled into New Jersey (Newark). Other linkages will be shown for the CLARK family of Montgomery County, Maryland. Some of the ULRICH family were in the Civil War (39th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry and Company A Roster - where the Ulrichs fought - also a Roster for Company K)

This genealogy information is based upon research using US Census data; Newark, New Jersey State Records; Mongomery County Historical Society records; Maryland State Archives; LDS Family History Center records and ULRICH, CLARKand BOS family information.
Other family trees
There is a complete list of all names in these trees at the SURNAME list.
****Click on the following to find more information on the Wynn Smith Davis Powell Thill Schaeffer genealogy

Please send your comments to me, Ron Ulrich ()

Since May 8, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The author makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any information provided in this document and is not responsible for any consequences of its use. Most of the material is based upon factual information, but some of the material related to individuals may be the author's opinions.